Thursday, May 9, 2013

2nd year of my studies

Finally, I have finished my first 2 years of my studies, tentatively, I have one more year to go, only if I passed all my modules hahaha. At first when I step into this school of mine, I felt that results are very important to student, however, this kind of thoughts have literally destroy the main purpose of studying, which is learning things that interest us.

I fully aware the importance of CAPs and results that's because it can open up opportunities for us landing for our first job or even internship or even better, scholarship. Of course being able to get those opportunities are indeed beneficial to us especially to poor students or students who are seeking opportunities for landing on their dream job.

In school, I have friends who strive to achieve higher CAPs and also some friends who wants to graduate in a shorter period of time so that they can start to find jobs and earn income for their family or themselves. These are certainly no good or wrong answer to the path they choose, that's because life is not like exams, where there is only one absolute answer. In life, anything you do, anything you choose, if the decision derive from your inner heart, inner thoughts, then follow it, don't leave any regret behind.

Pressure, pressure and pressure are certainly unavoidable, especially in university where the competition is much hard then in Junior Collage or Polytechnic. With such competition, one of the main objective that students should aim for are slowly being blurred away. The main objective that has been blurred away is the purpose of studying, while I mean the true purpose of study.

The enjoyment of studying, the excitement of studying has been generally transform into a negative force which is call stress. Although having stress is certainly good as it help us to strive harder but the stress that students are currently having now isn't the stress to motivate them to learn things in a positive way but instead, a way to just score higher result.

I fully understand what it really meant to study in this semester, which is able to digest whatever we learn in a way which is fun and able to fully capture the core of what the module is teaching. Certainly, mistakes happen in every part and parcel of our life, it happen in exams as well. Thus, making mistake is unavoidable, however, understanding where we gone wrong is necessary so that we can learn from our mistake.

For student out there, if you happen to read this, I am very sorry for my language, since my English is not really that good. But what I hope you can gain from this is to understand the main purpose of studying and what you are going to achieve at the end of the day. Result is not everything, Certificate is also not everything, the most important thing for us is knowledge, the knowledge that we have interest in.

Monday Couple Video