Monday, January 17, 2005

About Me!

Name: Yeo Ken Long, James

Nick : Spiritgate / 5thkazekage

Age: 22

Nationality: Singaporean

Occupation: National Service Inspector (Singapore Police Force)

Hobby: Programming, Jogging, Watch Animation and Manga

Programming Language: Java, C, C++, C#, Visual Basic, VBScipt, ActionScript, JavaScript, Html, DHTML, SQL, PHP


Name: Yeo Ken Long James

Nationality: Singaporean



Joined World Skill Singapore inter-school competition, creating a dynamic webiste on F1 formular.

Improve Johnny Chung Lee WII-mote application using C# language during IAP (Idustrial Attatchment Project) period.

Create a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system to help elderly, pregnant and handicapped people to secure seats in MRT train using smart card.

Create a mashup application using microsoft popfly for imagine cup competition, which help to solve 1 of the UN MDG, environment sustainability.

Software skills:

Microsoft office, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, DHTML, HTML, Java, Netbeans, Visual Studio, Visual web developer and mySQL.

Communication skills:

Interaction with my colleague and customer during my work as a waiter has greatly boosted my communication skills with people.

Language skills:

Fluent in spoken and written English and Mandarin.Understand a bit of German and Japan.


2006 to 2009 - Nanyang Polytechnic

Diploma in Multimedia and Info-communiction technology with Merit. Specialized in Integrated Web System and Solution, 2008.

Distinction in Digital Media & Design, Object-Oriented Programming, Programming Methodologies & Practices, Data Structure & Algorithems, Object-Oriented Analysis & Design and Rapid Application Development.

2001 to 2005 - Marsiling Secondary School

Pass GCE 'O' Level

I obtained 5 credits in E-maths, Combine Science, Chinese, Combine Humanity and Design and Technology.

Co-Curricular Activities

Nanyang Polytechnic

Member of Orientation group leader. Responsible for orientating freshman to campus and help backstage for the orientation show.

Marsiling Secondary School

First Sergeant of National Cadet Corp (Sea) unit. Helped to train new cadets in areas like rifle training, energy conservation and kayaking.


Best in Academics during the officer trainee course in Singapore Police Force in 2010.

Imagine Cup 2009 trophy- 2nd place in Mashup category.

Imagine Cup trophy and certificate - Being one of top finalist which represent Singapore to compete in Imagine Cup competition at Egypt 2009.

CDC Scholarship from 2004 to 2005 - Ranked top 10% from the school in academic studies.

Certificate of participation in Australian Mathematics Competition - Mathematics competition held by University of Canberra for the year 10 intermediate division.

Certificate of partitcipation in Singapore Mathematics Society - Mathematic competition organize by NUS in the open section on Singapore Mathematical Olympiads.

Marsiling Acheivement - Obtained best score in combine humanity and E-maths trophy.

Good progress award in 2003 - Obtained good results when I was in Secondary 3.

Racial Harmony Poem competition - Poem competition held by Marsiling secondary school, for a 2 man team represented our class and was awarded first prize in secondary 3 cohort.

Director List certification - Obtained all A's during my 3 year of studies in Nanyang Polytechnic.

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